Monday, November 1, 2010

My Ridiculously Wonderful Life ((:

**Disclaimer: If you are easily irritated by other people's semi-stuckupness, then you may not want to read this particular blog post. Or, if you deside to anyways, please do me the favor of not complaining about it in any shape or form. Thanks. (: **

I'm going to relish in my victory because I think I should be able to. I was placed in the top 30 drama students of the state this Friday by making the All State Cast at One Act Contest. We truly kicked butt. Then, the next day, I went to All State Choir tryouts and I was the only one to make it to the second round tryouts from my high school. I feel so accomplished. And then today and tomorrow, I'm at ECOCDA, which I'm starting to realize is completely amazing as well! I couldn't be happier, except for that I am because I aquired a boyfriend yesterday. How cool do you have to be to start dating someone on Halloween?? Lol pretty darn cool in my opinion. Lol I'm sorry, I am. I don't want to sound... Full of my self, I guess. But I have to have an outlet so I don't unleash these thoughts in public.

Screww it, I'm gonna go dance with my best friend. There will be more to come. (:

Just kidding, I'm not going to add to this. I feel like I summed up what I wanted to say. ECOCDA was amazing. There is nothing like that feeling of singing in that place. So beautiful. Best friend, yeah I've decided that you're my compass. Without you, I'd be completely lost. I love you and thank you for putting up with me. <3(: