(This will be formated as if I'm telling myself what to do, because that's how I've discovered that it works and sounds best.)
1. Write and publish a short novel
2. Live in every continent
3. Play music on the street for money
4. Be a pirate
5. Fall in love with the man of my dreams
6. Make out with him while sky diving on our honeymoon
7. Get 4 different degrees... Or more(:
8. Don't worry about money, ever; no matter what.
9. Become part of a roller derby (I need you guys to come up with a killer name for me.)
10. Smash a guitar into pieces
11. Tackle a random person in public
12. Make out with a random person in public
13. Dine and Dash
14. Time Travel
15. Have a political debate with the president
16. Live in a vehicle for a year
17. Spend a year in seclusion
18. Get a labtop
19. Master the guitar and bass and standing jazz bass and piano.
20. Climb a sizable mountain
21. Skii a black slope
22. Kiss in the rain
23. Sneak into someone's house and live there unnoticed while they're on vacation.
24. Spend Christmas away from home
25. Skate on a frozen pond
26. Get a tattoo
27. Object at a wedding
28. Object at a funeral
29. Give someone I don't know a house or car
30. Pull a prank that will go down in history
31. Give a speech that will go down in history
32. Open your own store
33. Invent something as useable as a chair
34. Fast and pray for something you feel very strongly about
35. Tell someone you love them with your eyes
36. Buy a deck of fortune telling cards and use them
37. Give a honemade quilt to everyone for Christmas one year
38. Get a dwarf hotot
39. Get a snake
40. Join the circus
41. Be a tenative nun for a month
42. Record an album
43. Be homeless for a week
44. Get a full body wax, just to see what it's like
45. Plant a garden
46. Die with a bang
Gosh, there's so much more that I know I'm not thinking of. Expect this to be one I update and add onto regularly.
Sorry babe(; Ummm, I can't quite figure out how to follow you or be your friend. But maybe it was because you hadn't posted anything or something.