Saturday, March 6, 2010

I have not a clue what to expect.

I don't know how I will react. I don't know how anyone will react to me being at blanchard now. (for those who don't know, I transfered schools and start at the new one monday.) There is no way to explain or describe how big of a deal this is going to be... I'm scared poopless. I'm so nervous and restless, I can't sleep. And it's only saturday. Imagine how I'll be tomorrow night... Lol, wow.. I'm gonna be so tired. Maybe I should drug myself to fall asleep. Any nyquil around here? Nope. Whatever. Idk, I'm so excited though. Like, there's just no telling you how amazing this is going to be for me... Haha, I'm one messed up and confusing girl. Simplicity is overrated in some ways. But in others it's everything. But that theorey in itself makes things complicated. Hahahahha, I'm sleepy. This probably sounds realllllllll dumb. I just can't sleep. At all. I wonder if I'm going to prom... I still don't really know. I guess since I'll be in blanchard it will be more evident. I need to get spell check on everything I type cause I'm pretty sure I suck butt at spelling all the time. I'm going to laugh if I fall asleep at the computer. Lol ha. I'm rambling. Dear reader, I'm sorrry for my rambling. But I thank you for indulging my rambling.


P.S. (Looking back on this now, I've decided to impliment a new rule: no blogging when I'm this tired EVER again. Ridiculous. Lol)

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