Thursday, March 4, 2010

So I'm at the Cosby's house, on the family laptop.

That should tell you something about this family. It's wonderful. So wonderful. I'm taking the liberty of claiming them as family. Secretly. Not openly, cause that's weird. Anyways, they girls still aren't here yet. I should be doing some homework, but I can't bring myself to. Which I really really should if tomorrow is gonna be my last day. Let's hope. Let's hope really hard that it is. I've made up my mind, I have. But the longer I'm there and the more people that find out, the harder it's gonna be for me to leave. People have understanding, but it's just like... There's no getting around feeling like a traitor. BUT I must do what's right for me. So, I can't care. Ahh, Pandora. Pandora's good.(:

So, today has been much better than yesterday. It hasn't been particularly great, but it's been decent. I did dye my hair last night. And it looks good, I think. But I wanted it much darker than what it is, and my mom forced me to take it off earlier than i wanted to. So, it doesn't look like I wanted it to. It looks like what she wanted it to look like... Oh well, it's a change. And I need as much of it as I can get... But not if it's dictated by HER. Gah, that's the freaking point of changing my life around. I want to get things to where I want them. I want to make decisions for myself that make me the individual I want to be. But I suppose I will get the chance to do all that eventually. Alright, well the girls are here.

I'm out.

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