Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"I want to uppercut your head like two miles in the air." Haha(:

Can you smell the rain before it falls? Do you see the clouds roll in? Before the storm drops its mood, do you have any idea when it will all begin? Yes, you do. In the soles of your shoes and in the core of who you are, you know.

When you're surrounded by cowboys and their loaded guns, and you're out of arrows, and there's no where to run, did you know you'd be here yesterday in the burning sun? Yes, you did. Something inside you whispered and you heard it when it began.

In the darkness of the night when no one is around, and you have yourself to be with, there is no other sound, don't you feel so close to life just know that this is how it is? And you know you must just let life be? Yes, in those moments you will know. You will know inside that all you have is this.

One day I will be free to love and hate what I please,
But as of now, my caring heart still has me on my knees.

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